It’s a typical Sunday morning. Let’s suppose you are still in bed and just opened your eyes. Take a minute and look around yourself.
Your clients are already around. Couple of email notifications waiting on your mobile screen to be managed. Some text messages waiting to be answered.
Your team members engage you with your work even before you leave the bed. Seems that your office is somehow open!
The borders got disappeared. There’s no line between your private life and public life anymore. The line between your life and work is blurred.
Some people call it digital age. Some others call it computer age. The others use the term media age. But from my point of view, information age would be much closer to the nature of the current age.
Abundant information provided by billions of people, hosted by clouds of storage systems and selected and republished by close-to-free media owned by every individual now.
Information age, radically changed the governing paradigms in many disciplines. From ethics to economics. From science to humanities. From individuals to families.
Beside all these changes and challenges reflect on our role in this new structure. A member of this society, what kind of contribution is supposed to be provided by me? What can be called a contribution? How it can be measured?
Information age changed every metric around us. From just in 15 minutes to just in 15 Megabytes. From billboards to banners.
From context to content. From mass production to mass customization. From fixed working hours to flexitime plans. From meetings to sessions. From visits to clicks. From credit to rank.
The new world is emerging with totally different concepts: availability, agility, acceleration, consumerization, distributedness, connectedness and emergence to name a few.
Seems that it would be so hard to survive in this world overheated with information without being equipped with a whole new mindset. The one which I call it webmindset.