Search the web for Nikolai Koltsov and you will not see so much. He and many other pioneers of science are buried under the vast amount of digital rubbish we […]
Read moreCategory: meaning of living

Replicate vs. Reproduce | The Difference Between Replication and Reproduction
We use the words replicate, reproduce, and duplicate interchangeably in daily language. However, these words have subtle differences, especially when used in the context of software, complex systems, and biology. […]
Read moreDefinition: What is a complex system?
Till now, I have tried to approach the complexity concept from the various point of views. Once we talked about the concept of predictability and definition of randomness. Even I […]
Read moreBasic Concepts: Inferiomorphism – when agents impose themselves to the superagent
Don’t worry, if you have never heard the word inferiomorphism. Inferiomorphism is a combination of inferior (belonging to a lower level) and morphism (looking for a mapping between two objects […]
Read moreBasic Concepts: Looking for a practical definition of emergence
In my previous post titled an introduction to the concept of emergence, I have quoted a formal definition of emergence. Using examples from evolution and stories from the life of […]
Read moreBasic Concepts: Definition of Randomness
When we talked about predictability and living things, I have noted that we need a more precise definition of randomness before diving into the details of complex living systems. The […]
Read moreIntroductory Case: Life of termites as eusocial insects
In my introduction to the concept of emergence, I talked about termites and other eusocial insects as one of the best examples of emerging intelligence. With the term emerging intelligence […]
Read moreBasic Concepts: An introduction to the concept of emergence
Among the various species living on earth, which is the most successful? It’s tempting to consider humans as the most successful one. But the answer to this question is not […]
Read moreBasic Concepts: Predictability and the living things
Before starting our discussion about predictability, let me tell you a story. Suppose that you have a metal spring. You put it on the table and play with it by […]
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Living things and cellular organization
In the previous article, we talked about living entities. The focal question of the article was clear: We know many characteristics of living things. Are all of them necessary condition […]
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